td tgk berita tv3, masih ada lg yg tegakkan benang yg basah dlm projek Lynas,
Memetik buletin utama 28 july, pemberita tak berterusan mempertahankan projek Lynas tersebut tidak membahayakan kesihatan penduduk:
i)bacaan radiasi diambil ditapak kilang
ii)org kg ditemuramah, diaorang ckp takde radiasi pn mcm mana pembantah tau kata ada radiasi sdangkn kilang pn tak bt lag
iiii) tv3 pergi ke negeri pembangkang (p.pinang ) yg pernah mempunyai kes pembuangan Lanthalum dibeberapa tmpat (erk ketika tu dibawah BN ye)
so feedback saya..mmg la radiasi ada pada setiap partikel dibumi..statement n ujian wartawan di tapak lokasi kilang dan hasil temuramah dgn org kg tersebut terserlah mereka sdri keliru.. yerla..buat pe wartawan p test kt tapak kilang sdangkn kilang dlm pembinaan..MMG LA TIADA LG RADIASI KESAN DARI PEMPROSESAN RARE EARTH tu..dibangkit isu lanthalum, merujuk kepada pihak Lynas Corporation sdri, material utama bknlah Lanthalum, tp adalah Cerium Oxide..peratusan adala sprti berikut
Lanthanum Oxide 25.50%
Cerium Oxide 46.74%
Neodymium Oxide 18.50%Lain2 Selebihnya..
benda2 ni kan rare earth, cmne leh bahayakan n beradiasi lak?baca kt bawah ni
Cerium oxide, a powdery pink glass and jewelry polishing compound, while not radioactive in itself, is extracted from monazite sands containing thorium oxide. Trace amounts of thorium oxide remain with the extracted cerium oxide. Thorium oxide is a potent alpha particle emitter that poses a serious threat to internal organs if inhaled or ingested.
Thorium dioxide is used in several applications such as light bulb filaments (to help control the partical size of tungsten), portable gas lights, camera lenses and other types of glass and also as a nuclear fuel. However, it is also radioactive and hence a carcinogen. No level of exposure is considered safe, but that does not necessarily mean that you have to all exposure at all costs. Thorium dioxide emits alpha particles, which are nuclei of helium atoms (2 protons and 2 neutrons) and are much more harmful than beta-particles, which is simply an electron. See the link below for the New Jersey Saftey Guidelines concerning this compound.
When you use cerium oxide, be sure that you always wear latex or rubber gloves (or follow other recommended safety guidelines that are more strict).
so phm le..material tu mmg la tak beradiasi,tp proses nk dptkan die tu yg berbahaya..brg kali..
*input from readers are welcome as i not an expertise in rare earth properties and its radiation..
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